

Salmonella Solutions – G Shepherd’s Playbook for Calf Well-being

Calf well-being is of utmost importance in the livestock industry. One of the key challenges faced by farmers is the risk of salmonella contamination. To address this issue, renowned veterinarian G Shepherd has developed a comprehensive playbook that focuses on...


Types of Pet Parents in Raw Pet Feeding Groups

Once you are a pet parent who has embraced the raw food diets, joining a raw pet food group is almost mandatory. These are instrumental especially when beginning. tHerefore understanding the different personalities there will help you avoid frustrations. Below...


Four Common Reasons Why Dogs Howl

Howling is a way of expression for dogs, and it is vital for pet owners to know what their dog is trying to tell you when they howl. Here's what all the noise might be about: Attention Seeking Dogs are...

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