
Three Ways for Low-Income Persons to Get Affordable Cell Phone Service

If you earn a low income, you may be struggling to keep all your bills paid in a timely manner. Your cell phone bill may be one of the bills that cause you to struggle. You can do these three things if you are a low-income individual who needs cheap cell phone service:

Purchase Pay-As-You-Go-Service

You can try familieabonnement if you are struggling with your bills. Pay-as-you-go service allows you to put a certain amount of money in your account and then pay for each minute you use the service. Some plans will allow you to pay a certain amount for daily use, such as $2 a day. This might work well for you if you don’t talk on the phone every day, and it can help you to ration your expenses.

Try a Prepaid Plan

You can also look for an affordable prepaid plan with a bare-bones allotment of services. For example, you may be able to get talk, text, and a small amount of data for as little as $35 a month.

See if You’re Eligible for Free Service

It’s possible that you might be eligible for low income cell service Oklahoma benefits. A special program exists that offers a free phone and other features such as minutes and data to individuals who need it. These plans will provide you with the service you need to keep in touch with your friends and family members regularly. You can visit the main website to complete a form to see if you qualify for such assistance. If so, you can receive your phone and services in a matter of a few days.

Now you know that you have some options when it comes to getting a cheaper mobile phone service for yourself. Try one of the previously mentioned suggestions to see if it improves your financial wellness.